The information in ENVIROS is limited. Information search criteria vary based on the type of information you are looking for.
For example, some permits have no Facility, while other permits have no Section-Township and Range (STR), so if you are searching by STR,
no Tank Modification or Hazardous Material Licenses will be returned. If you are searching Permits by Facility #, no Marine
Facility Operating Licenses will be returned. Permits may not have a File in certain statuses.
Also, not all information that may be used for a search is required and so the result set may not include information that exists. Therefore searching for information using several different search criteria is recommended.
The shows which criteria are valid for
each activity search. If the column has a “Y” for the activity, then the criteria is good. If the column has a “N” for the activity,
then the criteria is not good or applicable for that activity and should not be used. If the column has a “Y/N” for the activity, it
works only when the information matches though is not required for that activity and may not return information that exists.
For example, when doing an Enforcement Action Search by using Address NW 2nd ST, your result set will include WRN13-0164 with an
address of 20 NW 2ND ST, but will not include WRN12-0365 which has no address but rather has the closest major intersection NW 8 Ave & 2 St.
Address is not is not always applicable (and therefore not required) for a Warning Notice.